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Sealfx services


Hedge Services

Sfx Auto
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For companies looking to automatically eliminate the currency exposure in day-to-day business transactions such as sales and purchases in foreign currencies. 

It can sometimes take several months from the time your company closes a deal until payment transactions are executed.

During this period your company is exposed to currency risk that can turn an anticipated profit into a loss.

Sfx Auto  enables your company to lock in profits automatically and avoid exchange rate effects on already tight margins.

Sfx Forecast
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For businesses that need to hedge forecasted cash flows, especially companies with a fixed price list.

Sfx Forecast allows you to execute frequent hedges of forecasted cash flows to offset currency fluctuations and increase the hedge over time.

With Sfx Forecast you are one step ahead and can avoid inopportune or mistimed transactions.


Liquidity Services

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For companies looking to sell excess or cover negative foreign currency cash positions, or just swap/roll the balance to another date.

Sfx Clear enables your company to stay in control of foreign currency cash positions in all your banks by means of a single interface.

Sfx Clear
Sfx Clear ON Swap
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Clear O/N Swap

This service is a Target Balance service where you can apply different rules for each currency account. Easy to use and set up if you always have the same trading pattern within your business (some currencies are always short or long).

For more complicated trading patterns - we instead suggest our Liquidity Optimizer.

Sfx Liquidity Optimizer
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Liquidity Optimizer

This is the most advanced optimizer in the market today for customers that have daily irregular and different cash balances. This service will optimize your cash position on a daily basis. 

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Deal Request

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This service is for subsidiaries that have reason not to automate their currency management. It harmonizes how reporting of currency requirements takes place within a Group.

Sfx Deal Request is an easy-to-use service that does not require technical implementation, it is ready to use on Day 1.

Sfx Deal Request
Sfx Flex
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For companies that require a high degree of hedging flexibility, especially companies whose future currency flows are unpredictable yet have a major impact on the bottom line. 

Sfx Flex is a service that enables you to fine- tune and adjust your currency futures over time, using spots, forwards or swaps.

Sfx Flex allows you to perform advanced hedging, both for a parent company and for its subsidiaries, by means of a single interface.

Money Market

Money Market Services

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Money Market

A traditional TMS service for companies wishing to ensure the comprehensive control of all external and internal loans, deposits and derivatives. With full accounting of course!

Sfx Money Market will enable your company to monitor and manage the Group’s financial position in one place.

Sfx Inhouse Banking

Inhouse Banking 

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Inhouse Banking

For companies whose Group Treasury is the inhouse bank for every subsidiary. Group Treasury can determine the pricing principles for subsidiaries in several ways.

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Sfx Inhouse Banking is the ideal solution for major corporations with a large number of subsidiaries who are looking to implement a coherent foreign exchange policy across the group.

An Sfx Inhouse Banking corporation is typically looking to leverage from intragroup foreign currency netting and hedging.

The solution is  effective no matter how diverse the operations or foreign currency exposures of the subsidiaries are.


Supplementary Services

Supplementary Services

Sfx Confirmattions
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For companies that need to have total control over all internal- and external trade receipts. In the Sealfx platform all information will be stored to support a complete audit trail process and a correct accounting.

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This is Sealfx Execution Management System where the customer can set up their own configuration on how to work with their banks through multi-bank platforms.

Sfx Rates
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For Sealfx services such as In-house banking, Sealfx will provide as part of their services, market data in collaboration with a 3rd party supplier to secure internal pricing at arms-length distance.

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Sfx Payments
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A service for Group Treasuries that wish to operate one single system for all aspects of internal currency management. SFX Payments resolves the final process of every internal ticket, the settlement.

Sfx Accounting
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This service enables a correct and consistent accounting of all Treasury activities both at Head Office/Group Treasury as well as in each local subsidiary.

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Next Generation Treasury Automation System

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